About us
AlphaSQ is the Hong Kong technology arm of
an international company which operates in a unique niche market
which has a worldwide turnover of more than USD $50 billion per annum.

The affiliate group is a proprietary trading firm focused on algorithmic trading.
Our technology team is comprised of various professionals including
mathematicians, data scientists and IT experts.
The main function of the company is to build statistical factors and
proprietary strategies to support our trading system.

We strive to create the best trading system and expand our presence
in the worldwide markets for achieving trading success.
How we do it

Trading Intuition and
Data Validated Decisions.
We understand the drivers of price formation in the marketplace
and develop hard metrics to support our decision making
to evaluate our progress.
Reliable Risk Management.
We always ensure that risk and safety are carefully considered
in all our trading, technical and operational decision making.
Collaborative Innovation.
We foster a culture of open, direct, and ego-less discussions that
result in optimal and creative solutions and allows us
to achieve our goals as a team.
Contact us
5/F, Crawford House, 70 Queen's Road Central, Hong Kong
26/F,Pilkem Commercial Centre, 8 Pilkem, Jordan, Hong Kong